
By organising the London Investor Show/The London Trader Show/The Sustainable
& Social Investing Conference (the “Events”), Investor Conferences (“ICUK”) does
not intend to invite or induce you to engage in any investment activity or to
constitute financial promotions for the purposes of the UK regulatory regime . The
Events are in no way intended, directly or indirectly as an attempt to market or offer
to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to sell, any type of financial instrument, by
any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not
authorised, or in which the person making such an offer or solicitation is not
qualified to do so, or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or
solicitation. Any information provided at or in connection with the Events may or
may not have been prepared or endorsed by ICUK but is made available without
responsibility on the part of the ICUK. No responsibility is accepted by or on behalf
of ICUK for any errors, omissions, or inaccurate information. All information
provided at or in connection with the Events is provided “as is” without warranty of
any kind. ICUK does not make any representations and disclaims to the extent
permitted by law all express, implied and statutory warranties of any kind in relation
to any information provided at or in connection with the Events, including
warranties as to accuracy, timeliness, completeness, performance or fitness for a
particular purpose. No action should be taken or omitted to be taken, and ICUK
accepts no liability for the results of any action taken or omitted, in reliance upon
information provided at or in connection with the Events. Such information is not
offered as advice on any particular matter and must not be treated as a substitute
for specific advice. In particular, it is not offered as and does not constitute legal,
tax, regulatory, professional, financial or investment advice and must not be used
as a basis for making investment decisions. Advice from a suitably qualified
professional should always be sought in relation to any particular matter or
circumstances. Third party advertisements are clearly labelled as such. ICUK does
not endorse and is not responsible for the content of any third party advertisement
at or in connection with the Event.
© June 2022
Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd
3/2 Guardianswood


Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd collects and uses your data in order to send your
Delegate Registration Pack for the Events and to inform you by post and email
about products, services and offers which may be of interest to you. Occasionally

we would like to send you information from ourselves and other carefully selected
third parties. By checking the box, you agree to these terms of service. If, at any
time, you wish your details to be removed, and/or kept privately by Investor
Conferences (UK) then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Organisers reserve the right to alter the stated Programme of Events at any time,
replacing speakers and tutors as required. Organisers also reserve the right to
refuse entry. Please arrive early to your chosen seminars to avoid disappointment,
as seats are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Organisers reserve the
right to alter any aspect of the Events, including, and without limitation, to the
stated programme, incentives, speakers, exhibitors, delegate pack offerings.
Voucher Codes, or any unused portion of a voucher code, cannot be redeemed for


Organisers wish to inform delegates that some exhibitors choose to hire handheld
data scanners for use during the Events. The purpose of these scanners is to
facilitate the exchange of data from the delegate, to the exhibitor, with maximum
ease. The barcode on your Delegate Badge contains your personal registration
data, which, when scanned, will copy to the Exhibitor. Please note, in having your
delegate badge scanned you are giving tacit agreement for your basic contact
information to be passed to the Exhibitor, who may contact you by phone, post or
email with regards to products and services they offer. The exhibitor must have
your permission prior to scanning your badge. If, at any time, you are subject to an
unauthorised scan of your badge, or any other behaviour which you feel is
unsuitable, please notify Organisers immediately and the appropriate action will be

Registered in Scotland No386077
Registered continuously (since 2010) with the Information Commissioners Office No Z2462098

Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd
Website privacy policy

This website is operated by Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd, Registered in Scotland No386077, Registered Office 3/2 Guardianswood, Edinburgh EH12 6PG. We take your privacy very seriously therefore we urge you to read this policy carefully because it contains important information about:

  • who we are,
  • how and why we collect, store, use and share personal information,
  • your rights in relation to your personal information, and
  • how to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event that you have a complaint.

Who we are

ICUK ('we' or 'us') collect, use and are responsible for certain personal information about you. When we do so we are regulated under the General Data protection Regulations which apply across the European Union (including the United Kingdom) and we are responsible as 'controller' of that personal information for the purposes of those laws.

The personal information we collect and use

a) Personal information you provide about third parties
If you give us information about another person, you confirm that the other person has
appointed you to act on their behalf and agreed that you:
shall consent on their behalf to the processing of their personal data;
shall receive any data protection notices on their behalf; and
shall consent on their behalf to the transfer of their personal data abroad.

How we use your personal information

We collect information about our users for the following purposes:
To issue tickets to events including the London Investor Show, the London Trader Show
and the Sustainable & Social Investing Conference.

Who your information may be shared with
We may share your information with:
Law enforcement agencies in connection with any investigation to help prevent
unlawful activity
We will not share your personal information with any other 3rd parties.

Whether personal information has to be provided by you, and if so why
No personal information has to be provided by you to us at any time.

How long your personal information will be kept
We will hold your personal information for the following periods:
Until such time as removal is requested by you.
These periods are no longer than necessary in each case.

Reasons we can collect and use your personal information
We rely on the following as the lawful basis on which we collect and use your personal

Keeping your information secure
We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We will also use technological and organisation measures to keep your information secure.
We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so. Indeed, while we will use all reasonable efforts to secure your personal data. In using the site you acknowledge that the use of the internet is not entirely secure and for this reason we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal data that are transferred from you or to you via the internet. If you have any particular concerns about your information, please contact us using the details below.

Transfers of your information out of the EEA
We will not transfer your personal information outside of the EEA at any time.

What rights do you have?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have a number of important rights free of charge. In summary, those include rights to:

      • fair processing of information and transparency over how we use your use personal
      • access to your personal information and to certain other supplementary information
        that this Privacy Notice is already designed to address
      • require us to correct any mistakes in your information which we hold
      • require the erasure of personal information concerning you in certain situations
      • receive the personal information concerning you which you have provided to us, in a
        structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to
        transmit those data to a third party in certain situations
      • object at any time to processing of personal information concerning you for direct
      • object to decisions being taken by automated means which produce legal effects
        concerning you or similarly significantly affect you
      • object in certain other situations to our continued processing of your personal
      • otherwise restrict our processing of your personal information in certain
      • claim compensation for damages caused by our breach of any data protection laws

For further information on each of those rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, see the Guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) on individual's rights under the General Data Protection Regulations (http://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/individual-rights/)

If you would like to exercise any of these rights please:

  • email, call or write to us
  • let us have enough information to identify you
  • let us have proof of your identity (a copy of your driving license, passport or a recent credit card/utility bill)
  • let us know the information to which your request relates

You can unsubscribe (opt-out) from any direct marketing at any time, using the unsubscribe button at the foot of the email. You will be immediately unsubscribed.

How to complain
We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your
The General Data Protection Regulation also gives you right to lodge a complaint with a
supervisory authority, in particular in the European Union (or European Economic Area)
state where you work, normally live or where any alleged infringement of data protection
laws occurred. The supervisory authority in the UK is the Information Commissioner who
may be contacted at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/ or telephone: 0303 123 1113.

Changes to the privacy policy
This privacy policy was published on 31/01/2020 and last updated on 31/01/2020.
We may change this privacy policy from time to time. You should check this policy
occasionally to ensure you are aware of the most recent version that will apply each time
you access this website. We will also attempt to notify users of any changes by:

Changes to the Privacy Policy will be published on the website and notified to users by

Contacting us
If you have any questions about this policy or the information we hold about you, please
contact us by:
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3/2 Guardianswood
Ellersly Road
EH12 6PG
telephone: +44 (0)20 7193 4541
Calls will be answered at the following times:

Monday - Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
We may record calls for quality and training purposes.
Our data protection officer is Miss Lisa Campbell.


 ICUK Delegate and/or Enquiry Privacy Statement

What is this?

At Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd we are committed to safeguarding your privacy. We want you to know how we collect, use, document? share, and keep information about you and the choices that are available to you when you request our products or services.

In this privacy statement, we describe how Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd, in its capacity as the data controller, collects, uses, shares, and keeps information about you in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (the General Data Protection Regulation).

From time to time, we may change this privacy statement. Depending on the nature of the change, we will inform you of any such change through our electronic communications with you or through our website, sustain.social.


This privacy statement describes how we (and our Service Providers) collect, use, share, and keep information about Collected you. We collect Personal Information about you primarily in order to send your Delegate Registration Pack for the Events. We also wish to inform you by post and email about products, services and offers which may be of interest to you – ONLY if we have received your explicit consent to do so.

Occasionally we would like to send you information from ourselves and other carefully selected third parties. If, at any time, you wish your details to be removed, and/or kept privately by Investor Conferences (UK) then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. However, we may send you offers on their behalf with your consent. Please note that if you take advantage of an offer provided by a Business Partner and become their customer, they may independently send communications to you. In this case, you will need to review their privacy statement and inform them separately if you wish to decline receiving future communications from them; anyone to whom we transfer or assign our contractual rights.

Your Rights

You have the right to access, update, erase, change or correct your Personal Information. More specifically, you have the right to: withdraw your consent for our use of your Personal Information at any time, where our processing is based on your consent; restrict and/or object to the use of your Personal Information; request a manual review of certain automated processing activities where your rights are affected; and request a copy of your Personal Information we have about you. If you want to exercise any of your rights or if you have any questions about how we process your Personal Information , you can contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner directly at www.ico.gov.uk. Marketing You can choose how you would like to receive marketing communications, including direct marketing - whether we Choices send them to you through postal mail, email, SMS and/or telephone.

If you wish to opt out of receiving marketing from the Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd Group of Companies, we recommend that you send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

If you choose to not receive marketing communications from us, we will honour your choice.

Please be aware that if you choose not to receive such communications, certain offers attached to the products or services you have chosen could be affected. We may contact you to ensure that the information we hold about your marketing preferences is up to date. Also, we will still communicate with you in connection with servicing your request for tickets to the event(s), fulfilling your requests, or administering any promotion or program in which you have elected to participate. Query or If you have questions about this privacy statement or how your information is handled or wish to make a complaint or Complaint exercise your rights, call us on +44(0)20 7193 4541 or email the Data Protection Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also write to Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd; 3/2 Guardianswood, EDINBURGH EH12 6PG



Personal Information – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, addresses, telephone number, and email address and other information specific to that individual such as demographic details and transaction information.
Service Providers - any vendor, third party and/or company that provides services or performs business operations on our behalf, such as printing, mailing, and other communications services (email, direct mail, etc.), marketing, data processing and outsourced technology, servicing, collections, ad management, auditors, consultants and professional advisors.

Digital Marketing

ICUK offers clients access to a GDPR-compliant database of just over 23,000 private investors and traders.

These delegates and enquiries have given consent to receive information from third parties that ICUK deem appropriate, and are given the option to unsubscribe at every opportunity. You can build an email campaign consisting of a single email up to a regular series of communication, building a relationship and inviting them to contact your business directly.

Download the Database Marketing Information sheet

To talk to us about building your email campaign, or creating a unique proposition for the ICUK database of investors and traders, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Meet the Team

Lisa Campbell


Lisa Campbell founded Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd, and launched the first London Investor Show, in July 2010. She has a well-established and successful history of producing events for private investors and active traders.

Justin Short

Senior Sales Manager

Justin Short has many years of experience working with investor and trader events – and can help exhibitors and sponsors focus on precisely what is to be achieved by participation, and how Investor Conferences can deliver the objectives.

Caroline Dykes

Senior Sales Manager

Caroline has a top-notch financial sales background – working with Reuters, BARRA, Thomsons and other financial media channels. Caroline works with her exhibitors throughout the whole process, from selecting the right location on the floor, to adding other items to complete a total package, and helping to measure success post-event in preparation for the next show.

Angela Lafferty

Event Management and Exhibitor Liaison

The newest member of the team, Angela Lafferty joins the London CryptoCurrency Show from a digital business, where she learnt about the value of online assets and how the blockchain can be used to protect them. Angela is responsible for the smooth event management of the London CryptoCurrency Show and, once exhibitors and sponsors have come aboard, she will be your point of contact.

Claire Ogier Graham


Claire has been working closely together with Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd since its launch in 2010. Claire is reponsible for the event's web content and presentation, as well as IC's other shows; The London Investor Show, The London FOREX Show, The Manchester Investor Show.

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Webinar Activity

Round-the-Clock-Trader is now part of ICUK. Created in 2011 by Simon Campbell, Round-the-Clock-Trader (RTC) has built an impressive online community and each monthly webinar attracts between 500 and 1000 delegates in the room for the presentations/demos and talks.

Free for delegates, RTC provides a valuable forum for companies seeking to raise awareness amongst active traders. Through sponsoring either a single RTC, or a series, companies can significantly increase exposure to this niche community of active traders in UK. Sponsorship includes an invitation to host one of the sessions during the webinar, and associated marketing and branding.

Download Round-The-Clock-Trader Sponsor Information Sheet

To find out more about Round-the-Clock-Trader, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be in touch at the earliest opportunity.

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